Hump Day Highlight: Tim Minchin

I’m still trying to figure out when and what I want to do around here. All I know is that I’ll be posting video updates on progress every Friday. I’m thinking I’ll do a string of series on Monday and Wednesday so here’s what I think Wednesday will feature: a mini-bio and video of a modern artist with something unique to offer.

Today’s is Tim Minchin

Tim is an Australian guy who’s done a lot of artsy stuff like acting, playing the piano, theater, stand-up comedy and even hand modeling.

The guy is brilliant (and I think a bit mad..). His lyrics although comical, always have a message to tell and it’s a good one if you listen hard enough. He’s done a couple (yea, just 2 or 3) serious songs that are really good and heart warming, but his comic stuff is what’s more popular. Plus he can play…man can he play…

I fell in love with a few of his songs and when I get good enough, I’ll play them for you here. Until then, here’s one of my favorites that I won’t even attempt to play…

(Sorry, the quality isn’t great, but you can still tell he’s mad and brilliant)


5 responses to “Hump Day Highlight: Tim Minchin”

  1. I’ve seen some of these guys songs! SO funny! But he is definitely good (and mad). I honestly cannot wait to have you play a song with lyrics! haha I always remember you not being too shy to sing though.

    1. I dunno about not being shy to sing but I’m trying! I’m really excited about next month, you have no idea! I’m kinda getting ahead of myself in the videos, you’ll see tomorrow 🙂 I keep losing track of the time cos I keep looking too far ahead..

  2. Aw Come On Jesse, You could totally nail this song! Maybe you can attempt it in 2012. You have a dark side, too. We look forward to it.

    1. Ha, I’ll do my best when the time comes :), crazy thing about Tim is he doesn’t write down any of his music so I’ll first have to transcribe the song, then learn it.

  3. Really? That is crazy that he just has it memorized. It will be really hard to transcribe his stuff. Good luck.