Hump Day Highlight: Sungha Jung

Welcome back to another Hump Day Highlight! Today’s highlight is an amazing kid from South Korea. He doesn’t normally do piano pieces (you’ll see why below) but I couldn’t resist when I saw this. And as a bonus today, I’ve included a second video down below of what Sungha is more well known for.

Sungha was born in 1996 and started playing the guitar at age 9. He started posting videos of himself playing on Youtube only shortly after that, and even his first video is amazing. After hearing the song below on the piano, he created an arrangement for guitar also below. I’ve never heard a guitar sound so much like a piano before and am amazed at how well Sungha can play.


2 responses to “Hump Day Highlight: Sungha Jung”

  1. Ahhh! Love love loved them both!! And why doesn’t he normally do piano pieces? You said you’ll see why below, but maybe I missed something?? Amazing!!!!

    1. oh, well he usually only plays the guitar. That is the first piano piece I have ever seen him do. I had a different, more complex song below for his guitar piece but when I saw he did the same song for both I thought I’d highlight that one for the guitar instead. Check out his youtube channel, it’s amazing.